Everything TV

What is Everything TV?

Everything TV is a DIY YouTube channel based in the United States. It was created in 2013, but the owner is unknown. Besides DIY videos, the channel offers makeup tutorials, fashion tips and life hacks.  

DIY hacks with Everything TV 

Even though it was created in 2013, the channel didn’t start producing videos until 2018. Their initial videos included every DIY hack possible. Everything TV’s DIY videos are divided into different playlists based on the theme. Home Décor was the most used one, including over 20 DIY Videos. In every video, there are 5 to 15 different hacks, and the needed supplies are listed in the description. Their tutorials are made so that everyone can at least try them at home. The supplies are usually easily found at home or cheaply purchased. The videos themselves are zoomed in on hands, which makes the project work. There is no talking in the video, so every step is shown slowly. There is always fun instrumental music playing in the background, which is also listed in the description.  

From DIY to Makeup Compilations 

We don’t know if they ran out of ideas or if they saw the trends changing, but Everything TV decided to switch content in 2020. Since then, the channel has been full of makeup and fashion compilations made by other artists. While all the DIY videos were made by Everything TV, the new content isn’t at all. The owners are sure to quote every artist shown in their video, but that’s it. They are no longer making their own content but only borrow ideas. There is also the possibility that the channel has been bought by a third party who only wants to make money out of it. While there’s nothing wrong with posting other people’s work with their permission, it certainly has lost its spark.  

Popular videos on Everything TV 

Whoever decided about the change, of course, certainly had it thought through. The numbers grew with every new compilation, resulting in millions of views in total. Since 2020, their content has changed strictly to makeup and fashion compilations and a few hair tutorials, but not from their head. Their most popular video is Best Makeup Transformations 2020 / New Makeup Tutorials Compilation, with over 11 million views. Their other videos usually share similar vibes alongside the titles, which hardly ever change. Apparently, people love to watch new makeup trends wrapped up in one video, providing them with all the information they need.  

The net worth of Everything TV  

As of 2023, their net worth is estimated to be over 532 thousand US dollars. Their whole income is from YouTube views. 

Interesting facts about Everything TV 

  • The channel was created in 2013 but didn’t start posting until 2018.  
  • Their content included DIY videos until 2020 when it changed to makeup compilations.  
  • They have over 1,84 million subscribers on YouTube.  
  • Their most popular video is Best Makeup Transformations 2020 / New Makeup Tutorials Compilation, with over 11 million views
  • As of 2023, their net worth is estimated to be over 532 thousand US dollars