Troom Troom

What is Troom Troom?

Troom Troom is a multinational DIY channel which is active on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and other social platforms. It isn’t known who owns it, but it is one of the most popular DIY channels. It is known for posting DIY and craft content on social media.  

Who owns Troom Troom?  

Since it is one of the most popular DIY channels on YouTube, people wonder who came up with the idea. They want to know who owns the company that makes millions of dollars every year. But that’s the trick: It’s harder than it looks to find out anything about this channel. But luckily, there are some hints. First of all, the name under which is the whole page registered is Eugene Miroshnykov. And second, which is easier to notice: many videos are obviously filmed in Odesa, which is located in Ukraine. The third indication is represented by food items, which are visibly labelled in the Ukrainian language. In 2022 when the Russian invasion of Ukraine started, people were confused as to why is the channel still active. But it seems like they had several pre-recorded videos before the invasion.  

History of Troom Troom  

The channel was created in 2015 and started posting videos immediately. Apart from today’s picture, back then, it was a normal DIY channel with useful hacks and crafts. These videos were posted from 2015 to 2017 before the content slightly changed. Most of the channel’s most popular videos were created in that period of time. Their most popular video is 14 Weird Ways To Sneak Food Into Class / Back To School Pranks, with over 131 million views. Once the channel became popular, Troom Troom created a few other channels in different languages, such as Polish, French, German and Japanese. Each of those channels posts the same videos, only with voiceovers in different languages.  

It all changed in 2017 when the channel added more content than just simple DIY hacks. Suddenly a few actresses appeared, playing unbelievable scenarios and creating absurd fantasies. The channel morphed into a monstrosity full of extreme pranks, bizarre lifehacks and fake makeovers. On top of that, the channel started hunting trends and overusing them in several videos a week. For example, in 2022, the channel was full of Wednesday Addams, either as a schoolgirl or barbie character.  

Who does the voiceover of Troom Troom?  

Since 2017, the channel has gone through a lot of criticism, especially for its weird and creepy content. But one of the most bizarre things is the voiceover, which is as bad as every single video. In videos, it’s obvious that the actresses don’t speak English but Ukrainian. And over the whole video, a voiceover is played by a narrator, which is supposed to dab those characters. The voice actress obviously knows how to speak English, but for some reason, it sounds fake. Her voice is over-affected and too excited, even for sad or upset characters. On top of that, those sentences don’t sound real, more like a bad translation from another language. One of the most popular fan theories suggests that creators write the text in Ukrainian, run it through google translate three times and then send to the voice actress.  

Controversy of Troom Troom  

Troom Troom videos are often criticised for being highly unsettling, weird or straight-up creepy. Even though they are obviously targeted at children, they often picture very concerning situations, like Disney princesses giving birth or lying in a coma. The weird thing is that the channel apparently has endless resources when it comes to the quality of videos. The camera work is perfect so is the quality, suggesting the best equipment. But then there are the hacks themselves and the acting performances. Even though there are happy young actresses, something about them seems strange. One theory even suggests that they are held against their will, by a contract or by force. Since the characters in videos don’t have names, people came up with nicknames for most actresses, such as “the blue-eyed girl” or “redhead”.  

Net Worth of Troom Troom  

As of 2023, Troom Troom’s net worth is estimated to be 9 million US dollars. Besides millions of subscribers, Troom Troom counts mainly on views. They are very consistent and upload at least three videos every week.  

Interesting facts about Troom Troom  

  • It was created in 2011.  
  • It has over 23 million subscribers on YouTube, with an additional 3,3 million followers on TikTok.  
  • Their most popular video is 14 Weird Ways To Sneak Food Into Class / Back To School Pranks, with over 131 million views
  • They have multiple channels in different languages.  
  • They are often criticised for posting creepy content on the children-targeted channel. 
  • As of 2023, their net worth is estimated to be 9 million US dollars.